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Codex of Anix

Codex of Anix

  1. General

    • Spiritual development comes first, and then material and technological.
    • Nothing limits the development of our organization. Our task is to listen to its desires and find ways to realize them.
    • Everyone has the right to propose changes and those propositions must be heard.
    • Everyone has the right to find their own unique place in our organization and do what they enjoy. However.
    • Freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin. If you do not accept responsibility, then there will be no freedom.
    • We do not work for ourselves, but for the organization – its desires, needs and problems are important to us. Taking advantage of the organization is unacceptable.
    • Anix Code exists to preserve, explain and convey further the meaning of our intentions and actions.
    • Despite the freedom of thought and action, our organization, as a living organism, needs a basis – rules and instructions for internal behavior. Anix Code is this much needed basis.
    • Each member of the organization must comply with the Code, and also has no right to turn a blind eye to its non-compliance by other members of the organization.
  2. Self-management

    1. Trust

      • We treat each other based on the assumption that everyone has the best intentions.
      • We trust our colleagues by default, as long as there is no evidence that trust is undeserved.
      • Freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin.
    2. Information flow and decision making

      • All business information is everyone’s (within the company) property.
      • All of the employees are able to respond correctly to unpleasant and sensitive news.
      • We believe in the power of the collective mind. No one person can know more than everyone else. Therefore, all decisions are made in the process of internal consultation.
      • Individually made decisions based on one’s personal assumptions without internal consultation are unacceptable.
    3. Responsibility

      • Everyone is fully responsible to the organization. If we feel there are actions that have to be taken, it is our duty to bring them to the attention of others. It is unacceptable to have a negative attitude towards the roles and responsibilities taken.
      • We understand that the organization grants us the possibility to fulfill our ideas, but we also understand that we must shape these ideas to suit our organization and get approval to fulfill them from our colleagues.
      • Do not be afraid to remind others of their responsibilities in the form of comments, suggestions or objections.
      • Even just one unhappy person must be seen as an opportunity to reflect on the correctness of actions or decisions. Where there is one, there will soon be others.
  3. Wholeness

    1. Uniform value

      • We are all fundamentally equal.
      • At the same time, we believe that our community will only be enriched if we allow each member to make their own unique contribution, taking into account their differences in responsibilities, education, experience, interests, skills, character traits, worldview, etc.
    2. Safe and comfortable workplace

      • Any life situation can be assessed from the standpoint of fear and separation, but also from the standpoint of love and unity. We choose love and unity.
      • We strive to create an emotionally and spiritually safe environment at work, where everyone can behave naturally and be themselves.
      • We welcome the atmosphere of love and care, encourage the recognition of merits as well as gratitude, curiosity, joy, magic and imagination.
      • We are not bothered by the usage of such words as “caring”, “love”, “favour”, “high purpose”, “soulfulness” and “mission” in our workplace.
      • There are many correct ways or solutions to a problem. Everyone has their own idea of what actions will be most effective for the organization. Consequently, disagreements, misunderstandings and conflicts cannot be avoided, but hostile behavior can be! We understand that it is important to:
        • a) separate your own opinion from the objective truth;
        • b) to distinguish between thoughts (what is happening in our heads) and behavior (what you do or say);
        • c) not tolerate any belittling behaviours towards our colleagues. This includes everything that can be perceived as an insult, neglect, or humiliation: offensive words, ridicule, sarcasm, eyerolls, dismissive gestures, or any other words and actions;
        • d) immediately bring out any manifestation of hostility as a problem.
      • First of all, the work consists of duties and responsibility, but it is also a part of our personal life. So we must do everything in our power to make our workplace comfortable for everyone.
      • Our organization does not have a strictly defined work uniform. But at the same time, we understand that our appearance should be neat, look pleasant and professional – both in the eyes of colleagues and customers. The lack of a specific uniform helps to create a feeling of homely comfort and avoid rigidness, but at the same time we do not forget that we are at work.
      • Our work environment affects our state of mind. We understand that cleanliness and order in the workplace and in work processes are the key to quality work and good mood. Only once we’ve leant how to maintain order around us and in our basic responsibilities can we take on additional tasks.
    3. Overcoming separation

      • We strive to create a workplace where all aspects of our nature will be respected: intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual, rational and intuitive, feminine and masculine.
      • We recognize that we are all deeply interconnected, that we are all part of a larger whole, including nature and all forms of life.
    4. Learning

      • “You can eat with your hands once you’ve learned to eat with a knife and fork.”
      • Any problem that has arisen is an invitation to learn and improve internally. We must always remain students. We can never learn all that there is to learn.
      • Failure is always a new opportunity if we valiantly strive towards a greater goal. We discuss our blunders openly and learn from them. Hiding from problems or ignoring the opportunity to learn from them is unacceptable.
      • The purpose of remarks on our work or respectful opposition are meant to help each other grow.
      • We focus on strengths, not weaknesses, on opportunities, not on problems.
    5. Relationships and conflicts

      • It is impossible to change others. You can only change yourself.
      • We take responsibility for our own thoughts, beliefs, words and actions.
      • We do not spread rumors. We won’t talk about anyone behind their backs.
      • We settle disagreements between ourselves without drawing other people into them. When our attempts to solve the problem have failed for whatever reason, we involve a third party, who possesses consultation skills. If this too fails, we are obligated to present the problem at the general meeting.
      • Conflicts and problems should not damage organization’s standing or bring harm to its functioning or to its other members. They are not to blame for our problems. That being said, sharing your concerns or asking for help is by no means prohibited.
      • We do not blame others for our problems. When we have the desire to blame someone for something, we take it as an invitation to think about whether the problem (and of its solutions) are within us and if it’s not a reflection of our own problems.
  4. Evolutionary goals

    1. Organizational values

      • All of the abovementioned values are united by one main value, outside of these categories – Progress with a capital letter. For us, progress means moving forward, spiritual and material development through the improvement of ourselves and those around us.
    2. Collective purpose

      • We look at the organization as a spiritualized organism that has its own evolutionary goal.
      • We try to listen and understand what direction of development is preferable for the organization, not forgetting that pushing it in one direction or another is unacceptable.
      • We satisfy the needs of our organization, and the organization satisfies our customers.
      • We will always get back what we put out. We understand that in respecting ourselves and others, we will receive the same in return.
      • Protect what is valuable and it will protect you in return.
    3. Our evolutionary goals

      • To be an example to other organizations and people with our work structure and attitude towards work.
      • To be a haven for those who seek understanding, friendship and communication.
      • To keep the desire for magic, because we turn to fiction to find what we need, but can’t find in the real world.
      • To give work to those, who share the same interests and are ready to work towards these same values. To create and follow our ideals.
    4. Personal goal

      • For both of our own sake and for the sake of our organization, we must find out what our personal calling is and how it fits in with the evolutionary goal of the organization.
      • We try to fulfill our duties from the heart, and not from selfish motives.
      • We strive for harmony between the material and the spiritual.
    5. Planning the future

      • Attempts to predict and control the future are useless. We make forecasts only if specific solutions require it.
      • Life will unfold in front of us more generously and plentifully, if we give up trying to control the future and start instead to try and feel the changes around us and respond to them.
      • We make decisions based on changes in the world around us, and therefore, based on the changes in the needs of a living organization: customer reviews, our feelings and even changes in ourselves, in the process of growing up.
    6. Profit

      • In the long term, our higher organizational goals and the need to make a profit do not collide with each other.
      • If you focus on achieving a higher goal, profits will not hesitate to follow.


Anyone (or a group of colleagues) can convene a meeting to propose a justified change to the Code. Meetings can be held no more than once in 3 months. A date for the meeting must be set at least 1 month in advance so that everyone has the opportunity to prepare.