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“Beastars” volume 3 (по-английски)


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Series: “Beastars” Language: English Author: Paru Itagaki Publisher: VIZ Genres: drama, science fiction Number of pages: 200 Cover: soft coverOn saabunud Meteoriidi Festivali aeg, mis austab maailma dinosauruste esivanemaid. Aidates linna kaunistada, kohtub hall hunt Legoshi hollandi kääbusküüliku Haruga ja avastab endiselt, et on tema vastu vastupandamatult tõmmatud. Kas see on kiindumus või verine iha? Kas see on tema või ükskõik milline väike loom? Kiskjate jaoks on suhted keerulised – nende linnukaaslased munevad munad, mida nad söövad, ja mõned meeleheitlikud taimetoidulised müüvad isegi oma kehaosi mustal turul. Siis, kui Bengali tiiger Bill kiusatusest osta keelatud liha, üritab ta Legoshit veenda endaga liituma…
Информация о товаре
It’s time for the Festival of the Meteor, which honors the world’s dinosaur ancestors. While helping to decorate the town, gray wolf Legoshi runs into Netherland dwarf rabbit Haru and finds he is still inexorably drawn to her. Is it a crush or bloodlust? Is it her or any small animal? Relationships are complicated for carnivores-their bird classmates lay the eggs they eat, and some desperate herbivores even sell their body parts on the black market.

Then, when Bengal tiger Bill is tempted to buy a piece of forbidden meat, he tries to convince Legoshi to join him…


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